          第6度空間:超特殊行業秘辛(3/5) 20090722 第6度空間:超特殊行業秘辛(3/5) 20090722 At 5:08 Government formed Court and government workers have no 酒店兼職 right to be cold cold hard to treat any powerless people, no matter how stupid bad ugly evil that 花蓮民宿 powerless people may look like, because any powerless people's stupid bad ulgy evil all come out of your sucking powerful g 酒肉朋友overnment's crime, you want to kill any powerless stupid bad ugly evil people, you have to kill all your powerful government workers and your pow 房地產erful Court First. That how your government and your court must have no right to jail or kill any powerless civilian, you want to get rid out of your stupid bad ugly ev 西服il powerless civilians, you have to rely on your powerless civilians to kill their own stupid bad ulgy evil doers among themselves. That means that powerless civilian who committed the crime to 烤肉 kill that powerless innocent, must be killed by that powerless innocent supporters at his free time Free of Charge, must not be killed by any your sucking government hired public fund eaters, because that public fu 花蓮民宿nd has that powerless stupid bad ugly evil civilian's shared funded ingredients. Shame on you sucking Democratic formed Court and shame on you sucking Democratic formed Police and shame on you sucking Democratic formed President Hous 票貼e (Too suck to know how to do his duty to demand the police must have to give that dead penalty criminal a gun like many wild wild west film showed, like many English film showed the Rebel can do to their own treasons or their hated enemy to see who can have 禮服the best will and best skill to kill who.) and shame on you sucking Democratic formed law makers, you all should wish yourselves to be killed immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝  .

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